MOVIE TIME: Steve Jobs

Grazie alla collaborazione tra British Institutes Italy e LongTake, arriva nelle sale UCI Cinemas in versione originale il film dedicato al fondatore della Apple Steve Jobs, diretto da Danny Boyle e interpretato da Michael Fassbender e Kate Winslet. in lingua originale, Da non perdere!

La nostra scheda in inglese:

Based on the most accurate and close to the truth biography of the world-famous Apple founder, the bestseller Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, the new film release of the same title is the ultimate biopic dedicated to one of the most influential figures of our time. Directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, The Millionaire) and written by Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network), Steve Jobs is a complex and multifaceted portrait of Jobs, interpreted by a very convincing Michael Fassbender, surrounded by a first class cast, including Kate Winslet and a surprising Seth Rogen in the role of Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple. The three-act structure, filmed both with analogical and digital instruments, strongly represents the concept of the evolution of technology over the years, while concise dialogues built with frenzied rhythm accompany the intense performance of the cast. The spectator is able to have a glimpse of the controversial figure of Jobs, like peeping behind the curtains of an eternal backstage, where the great pioneer’s character is fully represented enhancing both his charisma and the darker sides of his personality. A fascinating watch for a fascinating master of his time.

TRIVIA: Who portrayed Jobs in the 2013 biopic directed by Joshua Michael Stern?

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